Yerli ve Milli Gemi Makine Dairesi Simülatörü SERS™ artık Malezya’da

22 Haziran 2022, Teknopark İstanbul


İTÜ Denizcilik Fakültesi Makine 1990 mezunu olan ve halen İTÜ Denizcilik Fakültesi’nde öğretim görevlisi olarak görev yapmakta olan Dr. İsmail Çiçek tarafından 2014 yılında Teknopark İstanbul’da kurulmuş olan GDS Mühendislik Ar-Ge Firmasının geliştirdiği Gemi Makine Daiesi Simülatörü (Ship Engine Room Simulator, SERS™), Japon klas kuruluşu ClassNK tarafından Full Mission (Class A) tipinde sertifikaya sahip Türkiye’nin ilk ve tek yerli ve milli simülatörüdür. Daha önce Malta’da kurulan bir eğitim merkezi, İTÜ Kuzey Kıbrıs Gemi Makineleri İşletme Mühendisliği Bölümü ve Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Gemi İnşaatı ve Denizcilik Fakültesi’nde de verilen Gemi Makine Dairesi Simülatörü derslerinde hem uzaktan hem de yüz yüze eğitimlerde kullanılmaya devam edilen SERSTM, Malezya’da bir eğitim kurumunda da kullanılmaya başlandı.  Malezya’da bu yaz gemilerde halihazırda çalışan personelin Engine Room Team Management (Makine Dairesi Takım Yönetimi) eğitimlerinde kullanılmaya bu yaz başlayacak olan SERSTM, güz 2022 dönem başında denizciliğe aday 3 ve 4üncü sınıf öğrencilerin eğitimlerinde kullanılmaya başlanacak.  Safha safha kurulum planlanan SERS için 22 Haziran 2022 tarihinde 6 öğrencinin eğitim alabileceği sistem kurulmuş ve öğrenci sayısı arttırılarak kurulum devam edecek.

SERS Team testing the simulator functions at the ITUMF Campus.

Akademi Maritim Penjana ilmuMalezya’da bulunan eğitim kurumuna uzaktan erişimle başarılı bir şekilde kurulan SERSTM, Malezya’daki denizci eğiticilerinin de yeni gözdesi oldu. Kurulum sırasındaki aşamaların koordinatörlüğünü üstlenen ve SERS™ geliştiren grupta bulunan Çağrı Berk Güler’e göre yurt dışındaki eğitim kurumlarının ve şirketlerinin tercihinin en büyük sebeplerinden biri uzaktan kurulumun gerçekleşebilmesi ve programın Windows tabanlı sitemlerle uyumluluğunun çok kolay sağlanabilmesi.

Chief Engineer Nazir Hamzah converted the classroom into Engine Room Team Management Training Lab. using SERS™.
Chief Engineer Nazir Hamzah converted the classroom into Engine Room Team Management Training Lab. using SERS™. More components and licenses will be added incrementally. It is a great aproach for starting the education and training.

Malezya’daki eğitim kurumunda tamamen uzaktan erişimle kullanılmaya hazır hale getirilen simülatör, eğitim bilgisayarlarına kurulduktan sonra eğitimlerde kullanılmaya başlandı. Kurum, SERS™’i uzaktan kullanarak ve çok beğenerek karar verdiklerini ve pilot sınıf uygulamasından sonra bütün laboratuvar sınıfları için yazılımın kullanılmasını planladıklarını belirtti.

ERS Training Plant GDS Engineering Inc SERS Full Mission Engine Room Simulator Layout and Equipment Arrangement

SERS™, IMO STCW 2010 yeterlilik tablolarında belirtilen, bir makine dairesi simülatörü kullanılarak verilen eğitimlerin tamamını kapsamaktadır. Ayrıca, IMO Model Kursu 2.07 (2017) Uygulamalarını dakapsayan SERS™, hali hazırda eğitim veren kurumlarda kullanılan simülatörlerde bulunmayan birçok akademik ve uygulama pratiği sunmasından dolayı özellikle yurt dışında ses getirmeye başlamış ve Türkiye pazarında da denizcilik sektörünün dikkatini çekmiştir. Birçok değişik konfigürasyonlarda kurulum yapılarak değişik bütçeler ile tedarik edilmeye müsait modüler yapıda geliştirilen SERS™ ’in önemli özellikleri, rakiplerine ait ürünlerden üstünlükleri ve farklılıkları ile uygulama konfigürasyon çeşitleri GDS firması web sitesinde ( detaylı olarak anlatılmaktadır.

TÜBİTAK projeleri ,le başlayıp, Teknopark İstanbul’da GDS’nin kendi imkanları ile geliştirilmeye devam eden SERS’in uluslararası seviyeye gelmesi hepimizi gururlandırmıştır. Gençlerimize yeni ürün geliştirime, ARGE ve inovasyon konularında iyi bir örnek olması dileklerimizle.

Denizcilik Dergisi’nde ilgili yazıyı okumak için tıklayınız.

GDS Ship Engine Room Simulator özellikleri ve detaylı bilgisini görüntülemek için tıklayınız.

Ship Engine Room Simulator (ERS) SERS GDS Engineering R&D IMO STCW 2010, Engine Performance, Main Diesel Engine, Marine, Maritime, IMO Model Course 2.07. Certified by ClassNK. ITU Maritime Faculty. Yıldız Technical University. Competencies. Operation and Management Level. Education and Training. Assessment of Marine Engineers. Troubleshooting with Fault Tree Scnearious and Analysis Reporting. Objective Assessment. Nippon Kaiji Kyokai.High Voltage Training Functions 6600 VAC. Ship Propulsion Systems. Maritime Education and Training. Main Engine Performance. Sunken Diagrams. Energy Efficiency. Marine Engineering. Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters. Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training. SERS Trademark

Operating Marine Diesel Engines – IMO STCW 2010 Competency Requirements

Operation of the engine room machinary and systems: Watch GDS Engine Room Simulator Demonstration Videos

Watch the videos demonstrated by our students. Operation of the engine room machinary and system in accordance with the IMO Compentency Requirements.

Thanks fr watching and please communicate with us if you would like to have this training system be incorporated in your training programms.

Ship Engine Room Simulator (ERS) SERS GDS Engineering R&D IMO STCW 2010, Engine Performance, Main Diesel Engine, Marine, Maritime, IMO Model Course 2.07. Certified by ClassNK. ITU Maritime Faculty. Yıldız Technical University. Competencies. Operation and Management Level. Education and Training. Assessment of Marine Engineers. Troubleshooting with Fault Tree Scnearious and Analysis Reporting. Objective Assessment. Nippon Kaiji Kyokai.High Voltage Training Functions 6600 VAC. Ship Propulsion Systems. Maritime Education and Training. Main Engine Performance. Sunken Diagrams. Energy Efficiency. Marine Engineering. Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters. Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training. SERS Trademark

Effect of Weather on the Marine Propulsion Engine Performance Onboard a Ship

IMO Model Course Exercise recommends students learn the weather change effect on engine performance.

GDS Engineering R&D developed a modern Engine Room Simulator (ERS) and it is in use by various research and training institutions. GDS ERS, called SERS, includes all engine room, ship, and environmental paramaters to demonstrate the weather effect to engine performance while onboard systems are maintaining their status with the displayed parameters. This scenario study is a predefined and set in the ERS for instructors to directly apply in their STCW Management Level Exercises. Student Workbooks accomodate this exercise with specficic forms to fill by the trainees.

Ship Engine Room Simulator (ERS) SERS GDS Engineering R&D IMO STCW 2010, Engine Performance, Main Diesel Engine, Marine, Maritime, IMO Model Course 2.07. Certified by ClassNK. ITU Maritime Faculty. Yıldız Technical University. Competencies. Operation and Management Level. Education and Training. Assessment of Marine Engineers. Troubleshooting with Fault Tree Scnearious and Analysis Reporting. Objective Assessment. Nippon Kaiji Kyokai.High Voltage Training Functions 6600 VAC. Ship Propulsion Systems. Maritime Education and Training. Main Engine Performance. Sunken Diagrams. Energy Efficiency. Marine Engineering. Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters. Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training. SERS Trademark

A Study of the Main Propulsion Engine Performance with Ship’s Draft Change

Purpose: Exercise the weather effect to engine performance using the Ship ERS. Generate a report with capturing the images using SERS GUI panels and tools provided. Note that this exercise is generated as part of the IMO Model Course 2.07 (2017 Edition) exercises. This training exercise was developed as part of the IMO STCW 2010 Management Level objectives using the Model Course 2.07 guidelines ans steps. 

Note: This classroom exercise was provided in this page as an example. Click here to visit the Ship Engine Room Simulator product to read more.

Step 1: ERS is operated in Navigation Mode and Ballast Transfer System is lined up for ballast operations. Draft is Low (i.e. d=9 m.)

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Step 2: ME Processes GUI Panel displays the ME Parameters while the draft is increasing. Check Figure 2 for that the the baseline (sea test) data/graphs are displayed. Being able to understand the ME performance graphs are important in this exercise. 

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Step 3: Ensure the  control of the main engine is set to “RPM”.

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Step 4: Graphs and Plots GUI Panel displays the trend data for the selected parameters. In this exercise, it is important to plot the draft and ME Power. Additionally, it is important to select the ME Power versus ME RPM in the X-Y plot area to see the ME Power change while the RPM is controlled.

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Step 5: Status of the Ballast Tanks and Levels are important to observe.

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Step 6: Students should be able to interpret time (trend) and X-Y graphs for this operation, as part of the MANAGEMENT LEVEL exercise objectives.

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Step 7: Complete the exercise with noting the ME parameter changes.

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Ship Engine Room Simulator (ERS) SERS GDS Engineering R&D IMO STCW 2010, Engine Performance, Main Diesel Engine, Marine, Maritime, IMO Model Course 2.07. Certified by ClassNK. ITU Maritime Faculty. Yıldız Technical University. Competencies. Operation and Management Level. Education and Training. Assessment of Marine Engineers. Troubleshooting with Fault Tree Scnearious and Analysis Reporting. Objective Assessment. Nippon Kaiji Kyokai.High Voltage Training Functions 6600 VAC. Ship Propulsion Systems. Maritime Education and Training. Main Engine Performance. Sunken Diagrams. Energy Efficiency. Marine Engineering. Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters. Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training. SERS Trademark

Capture GDS Vision in the Engine Room Simulator Development

GDS Engineering R&D is a research and development company, established by the academicians employed at Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty, Tuzla, Istanbul. GDS SERS Development Team has been utilizing engine room simulators since 2001, every year for training of marine engineering students with the following two engineering courses:

ERS I Operational Level Simulator Course: This course is for STCW Operational Level Proficiency Training after completing other Operational Level Courses at 4-year-university level. It is 4 hrs a week continuing for 14 weeks per semester. Each student must take this course to be eligible for long term training onboard a ship.

ERS II Management level Simulator Course: This course is to satisfy the proficiency levels for Management Level. It is 3 hours for 14 weeks and each student must complete the onboard training and then after completing this class for graduation.

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Through using simulators in both of these courses since 2001, we gained a good level of expertise on the use of simulators in Maritime Education & Training. Our team has also provided Training of Trainers courses IMO Model Courses 6.09 and 6.10. Some of our team members provided on site training at other Turkish institutions and became experienced on using simulators developed by various manufacturers.

Experienced in academic, engineering, and simulator courses, we have started describing a new simulator, aiming to provide an engine room simulator with the following important characteristics:

  • Reduction of Learning Time of the Software to Focus on Engine Room Systems Training:
    • Having different mouse key assignments or keyboard shortcuts in a simulator for various software functions and controls make the software much more complex to use and that affect the training objectives negatively. Therefore;
    • SERS provide a much less complex user interface allowing trainees focus on the professional tasks for “running the engine room systems” rather than “running the simulator.”
    • All GUI panels are easily displayed or closed:

“1-Click” Approach for ease of use:

  • All sysems are operated with a left mouse click.
  • All software functions are activated with a left mouse click.
  • All selections are made with a left mouse click.
  • No hidden functions or keys to use for activating a specific panel.

Fidelity and Realism

    • Having a more accurate approach on how to display and how to operate the systems and components.
    • Realistic functionality of pumps, compressors, engines, etc. with mathematical modeling reflecting the realistic time durations and process dynamics.
    • Realistic remote and local control for the pumps and compressors.
    • Realistic graphical user interface for electrical system (Circuit Breakers, Remote Panels, Synchronization Panel, etc.)
    • Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) objects, such as valves, are designed and shown in accordance with the respective international standards. Also, real engine rooms are studied to understand and display the controls, valves, and similar objects with a more understandable object design.
    • Pipe colors are selected to fit to the international standards. This provides a more comprehensive maritime education approach and ensures enough practice opportunity for diagram reading in the real engine room.
    • Components are created with various drawing and design software packages, then they are animated for better understanding, and better on-off state indications. For example, trainee could understand a pump is turning and could see there is a flow in a pipe with both color change and observed parameters.
    • Enough/necessary parameters displayed to understand the engineering principles.
    • Emphasis on Safety Systems (CO2 Fixed Fire Installation system is included as a separate panel)
    • Emphasis on Upcoming Regulations or Technology (Inclusion of ME Denoxification system as a separate panel).
    • Basic sounds (alarms and engine sounds) are implemented. Alarms are implemented appropriately as in the real environment with SILENCE, ACKNOWLEDGE and RESET buttons.

Unique Assessment Features

SERS provides direct evaluation methods with objective evidence of training with the following training outputs:

  • A text based training report generated for each trainee for each training session.
  • Screen captures generated for each user action and recorded in a historic time order, allowing to monitor and display the complete flow of the trainee actions.
  • Instructor monitoring and reaction time display and record for each trainee.
  • Trainee tools to easily record and maintain the training records.
  • More Accurate Philosphy is developed for use of SERS for a more Efficient and Realistic “Team Management” Training
    • “Repeating all functions in distributed computers” approach cause students tend to complete all training functions from one computer only. However;
    • SERS architecture allow for distributing panels to different units without repeating. Student must complete the task from its designated location.