Future Sailors Protect the Marmara Sea with the MarBalast Project!

The “Raising Awareness on Marmara Sea Ballast and Bilge Pollution” project, supported by European Union Projects, draws attention to the environmental threats facing the Marmara Sea and aims to raise awareness among future sailors.
Environmental pollution caused by ballast and bilge water wastes originating from ships poses a serious threat to the Marmara Sea ecosystem. Although MARPOL and IMO Environmental Pollution rules aim to prevent this pollution, human factors and a lack of awareness can cause problems to continue.
At this point, the MarBalast Project was carried out under the consultancy of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Cicek aims to raise awareness through training for maritime students. Within the scope of the “Raising Awareness on Marmara Sea Ballast and Bilge Pollution” project, supported by European Union initiatives, highlights the environmental threats facing the Marmara Sea and aims to educate future sailors.
Pollution resulting from ship ballast and bilge water waste poses a significant threat to the Marmara Sea ecosystem. Although MARPOL and IMO environmental regulations are designed to prevent this pollution, human factors and a lack of awareness can lead to ongoing issues.
The MarBalast Project, guided by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Cicek seeks to raise awareness among maritime students through specialized training. As part of this project, the project team will organize conferences and workshops on maritime management and the importance of pollution prevention at various maritime faculties and high schools across Turkey.The project will last eight months and be executed by the Istanbul Technical University Maritime Technologies Club. Through the MarBalast Project, future sailors will learn about environmentally responsible maritime practices and contribute to protecting the Marmara Sea.
The main objectives of the project are:

  • To inform maritime students about the environmental damage caused by ships.
  • To emphasize the importance of adhering to international maritime regulations such as MARPOL and IMO.
  • To raise awareness aimed at minimizing environmental damage stemming from human activities.
  • To cultivate environmentally conscious generations of future sailors.

The MarBalast Project promises hope for the future of the Marmara Sea!

Training on MIL-STD-810H Environmental Testing of Products, provided by GDS Engineering R&D, Systems Engineering Products and Solutions Online Training on MIL-STD-810H, RTCA-DO-160, MIL-STD-461G, MIL-STD-704 Environmental Testing of Products, provided by GDS Engineering R&D, Systems Engineering Products and Solutions. Training Led by a Live US-based Sr. Instructor: Dr. Ismail Cicek. Product Verification and Validation Courses for Integrated Systems. C-17 Military Aicraft. FAA/EASA. US DoD. Safety First. US Army. US Air Force and US Navy Tailoring Examples for Mission and Environmental Profile. Setting Test Limits and Durations are Explained. How to evaluate test results and mitigate the risk (Risk Assessment Matrix). Aircafft Equipment, Devices, Plugs, Machinary, Engines, Compressors, or Carry-on. European CE Time Schedule. FAA Requirements Management. Efficient way of learning. Continues Education. Class Material.

Completed the Face-to-Face MIL-STD-810H Training at Cukurova Makina

GDS Institute completed an in-class MIL-STD-810H Training session for CUKUROVA MAKINA (Tarsus7Mersin) personnel in September 2024, enhancing their understanding of the standard’s crucial methodologies. This training is essential in environmental testing, ensuring systems and equipment's reliability, durability, and safety under demanding conditions, particularly for military and aerospace applications.

MIL-STD-810H Training: A Necessity for Robust Design

GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. provides comprehensive training on MIL-STD-810H, a critical standard for ensuring the environmental durability and reliability of military and commercial systems. This standard defines testing procedures that simulate various environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures, humidity, shock, and vibration.

GDS's training program equips engineers and technicians with the knowledge and skills to apply MIL-STD-810H effectively. Participants gain a deep understanding of the standard's methodologies, including developing Life Cycle Environmental Profiles (LCEPs) and tailoring test procedures to specific operational requirements. The training covers all major environmental factors the standard addresses, focusing on practical application and test design.   

By attending GDS's MIL-STD-810H training, professionals can enhance their ability to design, develop, and test systems that can withstand the rigors of real-world deployment. This leads to improved product reliability, reduced risk of failure, and increased customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the training helps organizations meet their contractual obligations and regulatory requirements related to environmental testing.   

GDS Engineering R&D, Inc.'s MIL-STD-810H training is a valuable resource for any organization designing, developing, or testing systems for harsh environments. It empowers professionals to implement robust testing programs that ensure product durability and performance, contributing to mission success and overall operational effectiveness.

Training on MIL-STD-810H Environmental Testing of Products, provided by GDS Engineering R&D, Systems Engineering Products and Solutions  Online Training on MIL-STD-810H, RTCA-DO-160, MIL-STD-461G, MIL-STD-704 Environmental Testing of Products, provided by GDS Engineering R&D, Systems Engineering Products and Solutions. Training Led by a Live US-based Sr. Instructor: Dr. Ismail Cicek. Product Verification and Validation Courses for Integrated Systems. C-17 Military Aicraft. FAA/EASA. US DoD. Safety First. US Army. US Air Force and US Navy Tailoring Examples for Mission and Environmental Profile. Setting Test Limits and Durations are Explained. How to evaluate test results and mitigate the risk (Risk Assessment Matrix). Aircafft Equipment, Devices, Plugs, Machinary, Engines, Compressors, or Carry-on. European CE Time Schedule. FAA Requirements Management. Efficient way of learning. Continues Education. Class Material.
RTCA-DO-160 Fire and Flammability Training. MIL-STD-810H. Risks and Assessment Techniques.

Training Program Description: MIL-STD-810H Training Environmental Testing of Military Equipment

Training Program Description for
GDS MIL-STD-810H Training Environmental Testing of Military Equipment

Two and a half days of
focused International and Online Training
on MIL-STD-810H with Emphasis on “Tailoring

GDS Engineering R&D, Inc.

Display or download the PDF file: MIL-STD-810H Training Description
or read all details of this training program at: https://www.globaldynamicsystems.com/systems-engineering-training-courses/training-on-mil-std-810h-dod/

Training Schedule and Execution Type
  • Training Type: International / Online
  • Satus: Seats are avaiable now.
  • Online training using ZOOM.
  • Led by a live, U.S. based instructor (Dr Ismail Cicek) (PDF) (Download PDF)
  • A usual 2.5 days of training schedule is as follows:
      • 1st Day: 09:00 – 13:00
    • 2nd Day: 09:00 – 17:00 (Lunch Break between 12:30 and 13:30)
    • 3rd Day: 09:00 – 17:00 (Lunch Break between 12:30 and 13:30)
    • Time zone: Central Daylight Time (US CDT, UTC-5)
  • Ending time may vary+/-30 minutes depending on the length of the discussions.
  • Course Material: English
  • Comm. Language: English
  • Material: Registration includes all presentations and additional material (English) shared before the class.
  • Attandance: The link for online class is distributed to registered trainees upon registration.
  • Attendees will receive a Training Certificate.
  • Training includes knowledge check quizzes, a competition type fun way or learning.

GDS Systems Engineering V&V Training Courses
Event Calendar

We announce upcoming training on these pages. Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, we offer only ONLINE training courses for the time being. Please communicate with us if you need a group training, which could be scheduled based on your plans and schedules.

Select the best training from below list that fits to your training needs.

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Training Registration Request Form

Please fill out the following form for asking your question or with a registration request. Thank you for your interest in our training programs.

[contact-form-7 id=”229″ title=”Training Request Form 1″]

About the Instructors

The main instructor of the training is Dr Ismail Cicek. An Avionics Chief Engineer (EE) who is also a Certified Verification Engineer (FAA/EASA) also assists the trainings. Our experienced test personnel also becomes avialable for demonstrations and discussions.

A Certified Verification Engineer (CVE) iaw FAA/EASA and with 18 years of experience. He has worked as the avionics systems chief engineer in product development of avionics systems. He is also experienced in the product testing per environmental and EMI/EMC standards and FAA/EASA certification processes.

Our experienced personnel also support our training programs. They are actively participating in the environmental testing of products.

Dr. Ismail Cicek studied PhD in Mechanical Engineering Department at Texas Tech University in Texas, USA. He study included random vibration. He has both industrial and academic experience for over 30 years.

He gained engineering and leadership experience by working in the United States Department of Defence projects and programs as systems development engineer for 15 years. He led the development of various engineering systems for platforms including C-5, C-17, KC-10, KC-135, and C-130 E/H/J.  Dr. Cicek’s experience includes unmanned aerial vehicle development where he utilized the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Malfunction Data Recorder Analysis Recorder System (MADARS) development for military transport aircraft. 

Dr Cicek worked as the lab chief engineer for five years at the US Air Force Aeromedical Test Lab at WPAFB, OH. He received many important awards at the positions he served, due to the excellent team-work and his detail oriented and energetic personality.  These included Terra Health’s Superior Client Award in 2009 and Engineering Excellence Award in 2010 as well as an appreciation letter from the US Air Force Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC), signed by the commander in charge.

Dr Cicek also established a test lab, called Marine Equipment Test Center (METC) and located at Istanbul Technical University, Tuzla Campus, for testing of equipment per military and civilian standards, such as RTCA-DO-160. Providing engineering, consultancy, and training services to many companies and organizations, Dr. Cicek has gained a great insight into the tailoring of standard test methods in accordance with military standards, guides, and handbooks as well as Life Cycle Environmental Profile LCEP) developed for the equipment under test.

Dr. Cicek also completed various product and research projects, funded in the USA, EU, and Turkey. He is currently teaching at Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty, Tuzla/Istanbul. He is the founding manager of the METC in Tuzla Campus of ITU. Meanwhile, he provided engineering services, consultancies, and training to many organizations for product development, engineering research studies such a algorith development, test requirements development, and test plans and executions.

Dr Cicek worked as the Principle Investigator and became a Subject Matter Expert (SME) at the US Air Force Aeromedical Test Lab (WPAFB/OH) for certifying the products to the US Air Force Platform Requirements. He also developed Joint Enroute Care Equipment Test Standard (JECETS) in close work with US Army Test Lab engineers and managers.

Read DAU Paper: “A New Process for the Acceleration Test and Evaluation of Aeromedical Equipment for U.S. Air Force Safe-To-Fly Certification”. Click to display this report.

Connect with Dr Ismail Cicek: Linkedin Page

Click here to read more about Dr Cicek’s professional studies.

RTCA, Inc Logo

GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. is an official member of RTCA Organization

GDS Engineering R&D joined and became an official member of RTCA Organization on 27 January 2022.

RTCA creates the venue for collaboration, consensus, and government/industry partnerships on the performance standards development process. The members of RTCA are from organizations, entities, and governments from across the globe including aircraft and avionics manufacturing, service providers, R&D, academia, UAS and more. RTCA is creating and sustaining partnerships and being part of this we hope that GDS will also play important roles in shaping the future aviation system.

As a member organization of RTCA, Inc. GDS Engineering, Inc. can now be involved with the aviation industry and government professionals who are building consensus today on the electronic and telecommunication issues of tomorrow’s aviation. That consensus forms the recommendations for policy, procedural and equipment standards that will affect the way we all do business in the worldwide aviation community.

As a member of RTCA, GDS Engineering,Inc. is entitled to substantial benefits to the way we do business in aviation. RTCA members receive complimentary access to documents, the opportunity to participate on committees, discounts on training and events and more.

GDS Systems Engineering V&V Training Courses
Event Calendar

We announce upcoming training on these pages. Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, we offer only ONLINE training courses for the time being. Please communicate with us if you need a group training, which could be scheduled based on your plans and schedules.

Select the best training from below list that fits to your training needs.

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We are glad that we are now part of the RTCA group of organizations.

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