Son yıllarda denizcilik sektörü teknolojik ilerlemeye ve daha sıkı güvenlik ve operasyon standartlarına doğru önemli bir ivme kazandı. Gemiler daha sofistike hale geldikçe ve düzenlemeler geliştikçe, iyi eğitimli gemi personelinin rolü giderek daha da önemli hale geliyor. Bu bağlamda, SIRE 2.0 programı ve GDS Gemi Makine Dairesi Simülatörü, denizcilik mürettebatını yeni talepleri karşılamak ve denizcilik operasyonlarının güvenliğini ve verimliliğini artırmak için gerekli derin teknik becerilerle donatmak üzere tasarlanmış öncü araçları temsil ediyor. SIRE 2.0'ı ve Denizcilik Eğitimine Etkisini Anlamak Gemi Muayene Raporu Programı (SIRE), özellikle tanker operasyonları için denizcilik sektöründe güvenlik ve operasyon standartlarını sürdürmede uzun zamandır temel bir araç olmuştur. Petrol Şirketleri Uluslararası Deniz Forumu (OCIMF) tarafından başlatılan program, gemilerin durumunu ve operasyonlarını değerlendiren kapsamlı bir muayene sistemi sunmaktadır. Ancak, modern gemilerin artan karmaşıklığı ve daha sıkı çevre ve güvenlik düzenlemeleriyle, geleneksel SIRE programının bu gelişen ihtiyaçları karşılamak için iyileştirmelere ihtiyacı vardı. Bu, mürettebat yeterliliği, operasyonel mükemmellik ve teknik becerilere daha fazla odaklanarak veri merkezli inceleme metodolojilerini birleştiren yükseltilmiş bir sürüm olan SIRE 2.0'ın geliştirilmesine yol açtı. SIRE 2.0'ın temel özelliklerinden biri, mürettebat üyelerinin karmaşık ekipman ve operasyonları idare etme yeterliliğini değerlendirmeye odaklanmasıdır. SIRE 2.0, yalnızca gemi durumuna odaklanmak yerine, gemideki personelin pratik becerilerini, bilgilerini ve karar alma yeteneklerini değerlendirir. Bu, mürettebat üyelerinin yalnızca ekipman ve operasyonel standartlara aşina olmasını değil, aynı zamanda kritik durumlara etkili bir şekilde yanıt verebilmelerini de sağlar. SIRE 2.0'daki mürettebat yeterliliğine vurgu, endüstrinin güvenlik ve operasyonel mükemmellikte insan merkezli bir yaklaşıma doğru kaymasıyla uyumludur. Bu paradigma değişimi, eğitim programlarının geleneksel eğitimin ötesine geçmesi ve daha pratik, teknoloji odaklı becerilere yönelmesi gerektiği anlamına gelir; GDS Gemi Makine Dairesi Simülatörü gibi simülatörlerin devreye girdiği yer burasıdır. GDS Gemi Makine Dairesi Simülatörünün Beceri Geliştirmedeki Rolü GDS Gemi Makine Dairesi Simülatörü, modern gemilerin makine dairesi ortamını taklit eden ve denizcilik personeline kontrollü bir ortamda uygulamalı deneyim sağlayan gelişmiş bir eğitim aracıdır. Bu simülatör, tahrik, yardımcı makineler, elektrik sistemleri ve acil durum protokolleri dahil olmak üzere gemi makine dairelerinde bulunan çok çeşitli kritik sistemleri kapsar. Mürettebat üyeleri simülatörü kullanarak becerilerini uygulayabilir, karar alma süreçlerini iyileştirebilir ve gerçek dünya hatalarıyla ilişkili riskler olmadan karmaşık sistemleri ele alma konusunda güven kazanabilirler. Simülatör, kursiyerlerin ekipman arızaları, güç yönetimi sorunları ve çevresel zorluklar gibi gerçekçi senaryolara katılmalarını sağlar. Bu eğitim, baskı altında etkili bir şekilde yanıt vermek için gereken derin teknik becerileri geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmak açısından paha biçilmezdir. Genellikle dijital ve otomatik kontrolleri entegre eden gemi makinelerinin artan karmaşıklığı göz önüne alındığında, bu tür simülatör tabanlı eğitim, personelin hem rutin hem de acil durum operasyonlarına iyi hazırlanmış olmasını sağlar. SIRE 2.0 ve GDS Simülatörü ile Derin Teknik Beceriler Geliştirme SIRE 2.0'ın yeterlilik standartlarını GDS Gemi Makine Dairesi Simülatörünün pratik yetenekleriyle entegre ederek, denizcilik eğitim kurumları günümüzün yüksek riskli denizcilik ortamında olmazsa olmaz olan derin teknik becerileri geliştirebilirler. Bu araçları kullanan eğitim programları aşağıdakiler de dahil olmak üzere çeşitli yönleri ele alabilir: Operasyonel Hazırlık: Gerçek hayattaki makine dairesi koşullarını simüle ederek, GDS simülatörü personelin sistemler ve süreçler hakkında sezgisel bir anlayış geliştirmesini sağlar ve bu da SIRE 2.0'ın mürettebat hazırlığı ve durumsal farkındalığa odaklanmasıyla uyumludur. Kriz Yönetimi ve Karar Verme: Simülatör, acil durumları taklit eden senaryolar sunarak kursiyerlerin kriz müdahalesi uygulaması yapmalarına, eylemleri önceliklendirmelerine ve baskı altında kritik kararlar almalarına olanak tanır. Teknik Yeterlilik: GDS simülatörü, personelin karmaşık makinelerin arızalarını giderme ve bakımını yapma konusunda gelişmiş beceriler geliştirmesine yardımcı olur ve bu da SIRE 2.0'ın operasyonel mükemmellik standartlarına ulaşmak için çok önemlidir. Çevresel Uyumluluk: Çevresel düzenlemelere giderek daha fazla vurgu yapılmasıyla, simülatör mürettebat üyelerinin uyumluluk standartlarını ve yakıt kullanımını optimize etme ve atıkları etkili bir şekilde yönetme gibi çevresel etkiyi azaltan uygulama prosedürlerini öğrenmelerini sağlar. Güvenlik Protokolleri: Gerçekçi eğitim senaryoları aracılığıyla simülatör güvenlik protokollerini güçlendirir ve personelin riskleri belirleyip azaltabilmesini sağlar; bu da SIRE 2.0 denetim programının temel bir bileşenidir.

SIRE 2.0 and Training Technical Personnel using Engine Room Simulator (ERS)

SIRE 2.0 Training

SIRE 2.0 training is designed to prepare vessel operators, crew members, and shore-side personnel for the Ship Inspection Report Programme (SIRE) 2.0, a new risk-based inspection regime introduced by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF).

Here's a breakdown of key aspects of SIRE 2.0 training:


  • Understanding SIRE 2.0: Familiarize participants with the structure, methodology, and requirements of the updated inspection program. This includes the five stages of inspection (request, validation, preparation, execution, and reporting), the revised VIQ (Vessel Inspection Questionnaire), and the focus on human factors.
  • Technical Knowledge: Enhance understanding of the technical aspects of vessel operations, including:
    • Cargo handling and operations
    • Mooring operations
    • Engineering systems and maintenance
    • Navigation and bridge procedures
    • Safety and emergency procedures
    • Environmental protection measures
  • Human Factors: Develop awareness and skills related to human factors in ship operations, such as:
    • Communication and teamwork
    • Situational awareness
    • Decision-making
    • Fatigue management
    • Stress management
    • Leadership and management
  • Compliance and Best Practices: Ensure participants are well-versed in relevant regulations and industry best practices, including:
    • SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea)
    • MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships)
    • STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping  for Seafarers)
    • ISGOTT (International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals

SIRE 2.0 Training Providers

Several organizations offer SIRE 2.0 training courses, including:

By integrating SIRE 2.0’s competency standards with the practical capabilities of the GDS Ship Engine Room Simulator, maritime training institutions can foster deep tech skills that are essential in today’s high-stakes maritime environment. Training programs using these tools can address various aspects, including: Operational Readiness: By simulating real-life engine room conditions, the GDS simulator enables personnel to develop an intuitive understanding of systems and processes, which aligns with SIRE 2.0’s focus on crew readiness and situational awareness. Crisis Management and Decision-Making: The simulator provides scenarios that replicate emergency situations, allowing trainees to practice crisis response, prioritize actions, and make critical decisions under pressure.
  • SQLearn: CBT courses covering various aspects of SIRE 2.0.
  • Anglo-Eastern Maritime Training Centre: A comprehensive SIRE 2.0 training course.
  • GDS Training Institute: Developer of the Engine Room Simulator. Training offered by Istanbul Technical University Marine Engineering Department's Experts with Chief Engineering and Academic Expertise. Utilization of the GDS Ship Engine Room Simulator (SERS™) for SIRE 2.0 hands-on training. GDS & ITU Experts Team offers this training either ONLINE or FACE-to-FACE at the Istanbul Technical University Simulators Center, Tuzla, Istanbul.
  • Lloyd's Register: Provides a Tanker Vetting and Inspection (SIRE 2.0) course.
  • RINA: Offers a Vetting Inspections as per SIRE 2.0 course.

SIRE 2.0 Training Methods

Engine Room Simulator (ERS), Marine Engineering Training, Maritime Simulation, IMO STCW 2010 Standards for Training and Certification of Watchkeeping, Model Course 2.07 (2017 Ed.), Ship Electrical Systems, Full Mission, Assessment, Evaluation, Root-Cause Analysis, Troubleshooting, Performance, Operational Level, Management Level, Energy Efficiency, Online Training

SIRE 2.0 training can be delivered through various methods, including:

  • Online Courses: Offer flexibility and convenience, allowing participants to learn at their own pace.
  • Classroom Training: Provides interactive learning experiences and opportunities for group discussions and exercises.
  • Simulator Training: Allows participants to practice skills and procedures in a safe and controlled environment.
  • Onboard Training: Provides practical training and assessment in the actual work environment.

Benefits of the SIRE 2.0 Training using Engine Room Simulator

Engine Room Simulator (ERS), Marine Engineering Training, Maritime Simulation, IMO STCW 2010 Standards for Training and Certification of Watchkeeping, Model Course 2.07 (2017 Ed.), Ship Electrical Systems, Full Mission, Assessment, Evaluation, Root-Cause Analysis, Troubleshooting, Performance, Operational Level, Management Level, Energy Efficiency, Online Training
  • Improved Safety and Environmental Performance: Enhances knowledge and skills to operate vessels safely and efficiently, minimizing risks to personnel, the environment, and cargo.
  • Reduced Inspection Deficiencies: Prepares vessels and crew for SIRE inspections, reducing the likelihood of findings and non-conformities.
  • Enhanced Compliance: Ensures compliance with industry standards and regulations, minimizing the risk of penalties and detentions.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Promotes best practices and efficient operations, leading to cost savings and improved productivity.
  • Increased Competitiveness: Demonstrates commitment to safety and quality, enhancing reputation and competitiveness in the industry.

By investing in SIRE 2.0 training, vessel operators and crew can ensure they are well-prepared for the new inspection regime and contribute to a safer and more sustainable maritime industry.

The Importance of SIRE 2.0 and GDS Ship Engine Room Simulator in Developing Advanced Skills for Onboard Maritime Personnel

The maritime industry has significantly pushed towards technological advancement and stricter safety and operational standards in recent years. As vessels become more sophisticated and regulations evolve, the role of well-trained onboard maritime personnel becomes increasingly essential. In this context, the SIRE 2.0 program and GDS Ship Engine Room Simulator represent pioneering tools designed to equip maritime crews with deep technical skills necessary to meet new demands and improve the safety and efficiency of maritime operations. These tools provide a more immersive and practical learning experience, allowing crew members to understand ship operations and emergency procedures better, thereby enhancing their ability to respond effectively in real-world situations.

For more reading: SIRE 2.0 Training and GDS Ship Engine Room Simulator.


The GDS Ship Engine Room Simulator Team System (SERS™4Team) is a cutting-edge maritime simulation platform designed to enhance collaborative teamwork in the maritime industry. Specifically developed to meet the IMO STCW 2010 Standards for Training and Certification of Watchkeeping, including Model Course 2.07 (2017 Ed.), SERS™4Team provides comprehensive marine engineering training through an immersive full mission engine room simulator (ERS) environment.   SERS™4Team focuses on IMO Engine Room Resource Management principles, enabling trainees to develop critical skills in communication, decision-making, and task allocation within a realistic engine room setting. The system covers all aspects of engine room operations, from ship electrical systems to main propulsion, and offers training at both operational and management levels.   Furthermore, SERS™4Team facilitates in-depth assessment and evaluation of trainee performance, allowing instructors to identify strengths and weaknesses. Advanced tools for root-cause analysis and troubleshooting enable trainees to understand and learn from their mistakes, ultimately improving their technical skills and problem-solving abilities. By incorporating scenarios focused on energy efficiency, SERS™4Team promotes best practices for optimized fuel consumption and reduced environmental impact. This ensures that trainees are not only technically proficient but also environmentally responsible. Sources and related content

Why You Should Choose GDS SERS™ in Your SIRE 2.0 Training Program?

Choosing GDS SERS (Ship Engine Room Simulator) for your SIRE 2.0 training offers several compelling advantages that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your training program and better prepare your crew for the challenges of the new inspection regime. Here's why: 

  • Realistic Engine Room Environment: SERS replicates a realistic engine room environment, complete with authentic equipment, controls, and systems. This immersive experience allows trainees to interact with the machinery and systems they will encounter onboard, fostering a deeper understanding of their operation and functionality. 
  • Real-Time Simulation: SERS simulates real-time engine room operations, including dynamic responses to changes in parameters, equipment malfunctions, and emergency situations. This dynamic simulation enables trainees to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a safe and controlled environment. 

2. Comprehensive Training Coverage:

  • Technical Skills Development: SERS facilitates the development of essential technical skills required for safe and efficient engine room operations. Trainees can practice routine maintenance, troubleshooting, and emergency procedures, gaining confidence and proficiency in their roles.
  • Human Factors Integration: SERS integrates human factors principles into the training, allowing trainees to experience the impact of communication, teamwork, and decision-making in a simulated engine room environment. This helps them develop crucial non-technical skills essential for SIRE 2.0 compliance. 

3. Alignment with SIRE 2.0 Requirements:

  • Focus on Critical Operations: SERS training scenarios can be customized to focus on critical operations and systems emphasized in SIRE 2.0, such as cargo handling, mooring operations, and emergency response. This targeted training ensures trainees are well-prepared for the specific challenges of the new inspection regime. 
  • Human Factors Assessment: SERS allows for the assessment of human factors performance in a simulated environment, providing valuable insights into crew behavior and decision-making under pressure. This data can be used to identify areas for improvement and enhance crew performance in line with SIRE 2.0 expectations.

4. Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency:

  • Reduced Operational Disruption: SERS training can be conducted without disrupting actual vessel operations, minimizing downtime and associated costs. Trainees can practice and develop their skills in a simulated environment without impacting real-world operations. 
  • Optimized Training Delivery: SERS offers flexible training delivery options, including online and on-site training, allowing for customized training programs that meet specific needs and schedules. This flexibility optimizes training efficiency and minimizes disruption to crew schedules.

5. Continuous Improvement and Performance Monitoring:

  • Performance Tracking and Analysis: SERS provides detailed performance tracking and analysis, allowing trainers to monitor trainee progress, identify areas for improvement, and provide targeted feedback. This data-driven approach ensures continuous improvement in training effectiveness and crew competency.
  • Adaptability to Future Requirements: SERS can be easily updated to incorporate new technologies, regulations, and industry best practices, ensuring your training program remains relevant and aligned with evolving SIRE requirements.

By choosing GDS SERS for your SIRE 2.0 training, you invest in a comprehensive and effective training solution that enhances crew competency, improves safety performance, and ensures compliance with the latest industry standards.

Posted in Engine Room Simulator (ERS), IMO Model Course 2.07 Exercises, IMO STCW 2010 Training Simulators, Maritime Accidents, Maritime Education and Training, Maritime Education and Training Simulators, Maritime Innovation and Research, Ship ERS (SERS) and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .