Yerli ve Milli Gemi Makine Dairesi Simülatörü SERS™ artık Malezya’da

22 Haziran 2022, Teknopark İstanbul


İTÜ Denizcilik Fakültesi Makine 1990 mezunu olan ve halen İTÜ Denizcilik Fakültesi’nde öğretim görevlisi olarak görev yapmakta olan Dr. İsmail Çiçek tarafından 2014 yılında Teknopark İstanbul’da kurulmuş olan GDS Mühendislik Ar-Ge Firmasının geliştirdiği Gemi Makine Daiesi Simülatörü (Ship Engine Room Simulator, SERS™), Japon klas kuruluşu ClassNK tarafından Full Mission (Class A) tipinde sertifikaya sahip Türkiye’nin ilk ve tek yerli ve milli simülatörüdür. Daha önce Malta’da kurulan bir eğitim merkezi, İTÜ Kuzey Kıbrıs Gemi Makineleri İşletme Mühendisliği Bölümü ve Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Gemi İnşaatı ve Denizcilik Fakültesi’nde de verilen Gemi Makine Dairesi Simülatörü derslerinde hem uzaktan hem de yüz yüze eğitimlerde kullanılmaya devam edilen SERSTM, Malezya’da bir eğitim kurumunda da kullanılmaya başlandı.  Malezya’da bu yaz gemilerde halihazırda çalışan personelin Engine Room Team Management (Makine Dairesi Takım Yönetimi) eğitimlerinde kullanılmaya bu yaz başlayacak olan SERSTM, güz 2022 dönem başında denizciliğe aday 3 ve 4üncü sınıf öğrencilerin eğitimlerinde kullanılmaya başlanacak.  Safha safha kurulum planlanan SERS için 22 Haziran 2022 tarihinde 6 öğrencinin eğitim alabileceği sistem kurulmuş ve öğrenci sayısı arttırılarak kurulum devam edecek.

SERS Team testing the simulator functions at the ITUMF Campus.

Akademi Maritim Penjana ilmuMalezya’da bulunan eğitim kurumuna uzaktan erişimle başarılı bir şekilde kurulan SERSTM, Malezya’daki denizci eğiticilerinin de yeni gözdesi oldu. Kurulum sırasındaki aşamaların koordinatörlüğünü üstlenen ve SERS™ geliştiren grupta bulunan Çağrı Berk Güler’e göre yurt dışındaki eğitim kurumlarının ve şirketlerinin tercihinin en büyük sebeplerinden biri uzaktan kurulumun gerçekleşebilmesi ve programın Windows tabanlı sitemlerle uyumluluğunun çok kolay sağlanabilmesi.

Chief Engineer Nazir Hamzah converted the classroom into Engine Room Team Management Training Lab. using SERS™.
Chief Engineer Nazir Hamzah converted the classroom into Engine Room Team Management Training Lab. using SERS™. More components and licenses will be added incrementally. It is a great aproach for starting the education and training.

Malezya’daki eğitim kurumunda tamamen uzaktan erişimle kullanılmaya hazır hale getirilen simülatör, eğitim bilgisayarlarına kurulduktan sonra eğitimlerde kullanılmaya başlandı. Kurum, SERS™’i uzaktan kullanarak ve çok beğenerek karar verdiklerini ve pilot sınıf uygulamasından sonra bütün laboratuvar sınıfları için yazılımın kullanılmasını planladıklarını belirtti.

ERS Training Plant GDS Engineering Inc SERS Full Mission Engine Room Simulator Layout and Equipment Arrangement

SERS™, IMO STCW 2010 yeterlilik tablolarında belirtilen, bir makine dairesi simülatörü kullanılarak verilen eğitimlerin tamamını kapsamaktadır. Ayrıca, IMO Model Kursu 2.07 (2017) Uygulamalarını dakapsayan SERS™, hali hazırda eğitim veren kurumlarda kullanılan simülatörlerde bulunmayan birçok akademik ve uygulama pratiği sunmasından dolayı özellikle yurt dışında ses getirmeye başlamış ve Türkiye pazarında da denizcilik sektörünün dikkatini çekmiştir. Birçok değişik konfigürasyonlarda kurulum yapılarak değişik bütçeler ile tedarik edilmeye müsait modüler yapıda geliştirilen SERS™ ’in önemli özellikleri, rakiplerine ait ürünlerden üstünlükleri ve farklılıkları ile uygulama konfigürasyon çeşitleri GDS firması web sitesinde ( detaylı olarak anlatılmaktadır.

TÜBİTAK projeleri ,le başlayıp, Teknopark İstanbul’da GDS’nin kendi imkanları ile geliştirilmeye devam eden SERS’in uluslararası seviyeye gelmesi hepimizi gururlandırmıştır. Gençlerimize yeni ürün geliştirime, ARGE ve inovasyon konularında iyi bir örnek olması dileklerimizle.

Denizcilik Dergisi’nde ilgili yazıyı okumak için tıklayınız.

GDS Ship Engine Room Simulator özellikleri ve detaylı bilgisini görüntülemek için tıklayınız.

Global Dynamic Systems. GDS Systems Engineering Training Programs. Simulators. Engine Room Simulator (ERS). Ship. Electrical Systems Simulator. Physics Lab. UH60. Amphibious. Ground Vehicles. Military Training Programs. MIL-STD-810H Online Training. Environmental Testing of Military Products. Training helps reduce your design and operational risks. We provide MIL-STD-810H, RTCA-DO-160, Vibration and Shock, FAA Requirements Management courses. by Dr Ismail Cicek and a CVE certified by EASA. Ship Engine Room Simulator (ERS) SERS GDS Engineering R&D IMO STCW 2010, Engine Performance, Main Diesel Engine, Marine, Maritime, IMO Model Course 2.07. Certified by Class NK. ITU Maritime Faculty. Yıldız Technical University. Competencies. Operation and Management Level. Education and Training. Assessment of Marine Engineers. Troubleshooting with Fault Tree Scnearious and Analysis Reporting. Maritime. Marine Engineering. San Antonio, Texas, Dayton, OH. WPAFB.

GDS Engine Room Simulator: Our Customers and Collaborations

References of GDS Simulator Users
Solution Partners
Maritime Training and Research

Engine Room Simulator (ERS). Ship Engine Room Simulator. IMO STCW 2010 Training. Marine Engineering Cadets. Maritime. IMO Model Course 2.07. Online Training. COVID-19. Certified by Class NK, IACS Member. Maritime Education and Training (MET)Engine Room Simulator (ERS). Ship Engine Room Simulator. IMO STCW 2010 Training. Marine Engineering Cadets. Maritime. IMO Model Course 2.07. Online Training. COVID-19. Certified by Class NK, IACS Member. Maritime Education and Training (MET). Containership. Yacht Taining. Tanker Personnel.Engine Room Simulator (ERS). Ship Engine Room Simulator. IMO STCW 2010 Training. Marine Engineering Cadets. Maritime. IMO Model Course 2.07. Online Training. COVID-19. Certified by Class NK, IACS Member. Maritime Education and Training (MET). Containership. Yacht Taining. Tanker Personnel.
tülomsaş, R&D study, Milli Dizel Motoru Çalışması, ARGE, TÜBİTAK, Dizel Motorlarda Verimlilik, İTÜAkademi Maritim Penjana ilmuNorth Star Enterprise Bangladesh
Engine Room Simulator (ERS). Ship Engine Room Simulator. IMO STCW 2010 Training. Marine Engineering Cadets. Maritime. IMO Model Course 2.07. Online Training. COVID-19. Certified by Class NK, IACS Member. Maritime Education and Training (MET). Containership. Yacht Taining. Tanker Personnel.Engine Room Simulator (ERS). Ship Engine Room Simulator. IMO STCW 2010 Training. Marine Engineering Cadets. Maritime. IMO Model Course 2.07. Online Training. COVID-19. Certified by Class NK, IACS Member. Maritime Education and Training (MET). Containership. Yacht Taining. Tanker Personnel.
Engine Room Simulator (ERS). Ship Engine Room Simulator. IMO STCW 2010 Training. Marine Engineering Cadets. Maritime. IMO Model Course 2.07. Online Training. COVID-19. Certified by Class NK, IACS Member. Maritime Education and Training (MET). Containership. Yacht Taining. Tanker Personnel.tuzeks gds Engine Room Simulator (ERS) Engine Tests, Vibration Testing, Consultancy, KOSGEB Project
Simulator Studies in Cooperation between SDT and GDS Engineering R&DMILPER, Project Studies with Dr Ismail Cicek 2012-2014, Maritime Propeller R&D, Development and Testing
Karpowership logo - GDS Engineering R&D Services Karadeniz Holding

GDS ERS meets both IMO STCW 2010 Competency/Training Requirements and IMO Model Course 2.07 Exercise Requirements

Click here to read all details…

Highlights of the GDS Engine Room Simulator:
  • Certified for use in training and education of marine engineering cadets.
  • Certified by ClassNK, a Japanese Classification Society. Class NK is an official member of IACS.
  • Certification includes IMO STCW 2010 (with Manila Amendments)
  • Certification type is Full Mission (Class A) type approval.
  • Certification includes IMO Model Course 2.07 (2017 Edition).
  • Applicable for Remote (Online) Training
  • Provides two types of mostly used engine modes.
  • Simulates all engine room machinery and systems with more than 50 GUI Panels.
  • Satisfies the High Voltage Training requirements.
  • Includes Environmental Pollution modules, such as Ballast Water Treamen, Oily Water Separator, ME Denoxification System, and others.
  • Includes Energy Efficiency modules. Students can compare theoretical studies against the simulator instances using Sunken Diagrams.
  • Includes engine performance monitoring tools. Students are able to compare the current values againt the baselined ship’s navigation test as well as main engine’s factory test data. The baselined test data are presented within the software to the students with graphs. This our unique approach is to actually duplicate the real world work environment of wachkeeping engineers checking the parameters against the user manuals and engine books with test data.
  • Provides a realistic environment for emergency operations with all required systems.

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Use ERS Exercise Workbooks and Manuals in your Operational and Management Level Trainings: Students Love it!

GDS Ship Engine Room Simulator (Ship ERS or SERS™)
User Manuals and Exercise Workbooks

Line Up - ME Fresh Water Cooling System IMO STCW 2010 Training, IMO Model Course 2.07. Prevent Maritime Accidents. Training is Important. Marine Engineering Training Products, Ship Engine Room Simulator, Ship ERS or simply the SERS, provided by GDS Engineering R&D.

ERS User Manuals Set for Meeting IMO Model Course 2.07 (2017 Ed.) Exercise Objectives and STCW 2010 Training Requirements, Supplemented with Root Cause Analysis Exercises

SERS™ is provided with a total of seven (7) user manuals, student exercise workbooks, and documents as complementary to the training practices. All these documents are supplied with a license purchase.

SERS User Manual Vol I (Software Description) describes the SERS software with the SERS Graphical User Interface (GUI) Panels accessed from the SERS Main Graphical User Interface (GUI) Panel.

SERS User Manual Volume II (Engine Room Operations) includes the operational instructions on how to operate the engine room systems and machinery using the SERS. The training institutions can directly use the contents of this manual in their training procedures. There are also exercises included for use by the trainees for reporting.

SERS User Manual Vol III (Installation & Configuration) describes the installation and the configuration of the software and hardware items. Using this manual, SERS can be configured to run as a Distributed System and the touch screen hardware panels can be assigned to desired GUI panels using the configuration files.

SERS User Manual Volume IV (Instructor’s Manual) includes guides, information, and additional exercise tips for the instructors to utilize SERS in their trainings according to a specific training objective.

SERS Philosophy Document provides how SERS may be used in a curricula or in engine room simulator training programs. It provides guides for selecting the configuration of the SERS according to the training objectives.

Student Exercise Workbooks per IMO Model Course 2.07 (2017 Version)

Student Exercise Workbook, Volume I: We are already using the simulator in our own training programs and developed Volume I with exercies that meets each objectives of the IMO Model Course 2.07. Volume I exercises includes the Engine Room Operational Level training objectives.

Student Exercise Workbook,Volume II: Volume II exercises includes the Engine Room Management Level training objectives in accordance with IMO Model Course 2.07.

Using the SERS™ document set in classroom study also promotes the real-world engine room best work practices of using manuals in operation and management of the engine room machinery and systems.
Visit the Ship ERS ( SERS™) product page for more information