MIL-STD-810H training program emphesizes the tailoring methodologies for qualification testing of specific military equipment and products.Click to read more about MIL-STD-810 training program. RTCA-DO-160G training program provides two and a half days of focused training on environmental and EMI/EMC qualification testing of airborne equipment.Click to read more about DO-160 training. MIL-STD-461G training program includes the selection of test methods for platforms, test requirements (w/MIL-STD-464), test procedures, test report reviews, design ideas, and test process.Click to read more about MIL-STD-461G training. GDS provides other training programs, including:- MIL-STD-704F- Req. Management- Project ManagementClick to display information about all of our training courses. Register for a Training ProgramSystems Engineering Online Training Courses with Focus on Test & Evaluation: Qualification Testing of Products for Aerospace and Military Platforms GDS News and Updated New Information A Study of the Main Propulsion Engine Performance with Ship’s Draft Change Capture GDS Vision in the Engine Room Simulator Development GDS Mühendislik ARGE San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. (GDS Engineering R&D, Inc.) GDS Engine Room Simulator: Our Customers and Collaborations Need your ‘Marine Equipment’ be tested and certified? Proudly completed the 3rd training for the BMC Corp. on the “Environmental Testing of Military Equipment” Yeni Geliştirilen SERS-T™ Tanker Modeli kullanılarak SERS™ Ürünü ile SIRE 2.0 Eğitimlerine Başlanıyor. ENO-GDS Training Calendar How to Find any US Military Standard Document GDS SERS™ Makes IMO Engine Room Resource Management (ERM) Certificate Trainings Conducted Efficiently and Effectively Equipment Certification Process for Commercial Aircraft Yerli ve Milli Gemi Makine Dairesi Simülatörü SERS™ artık Malezya’da Research Article: “Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları ile Sıfır Emisyonlu bir Yelkenli Tekne Tasarımı ve Seyir Simülasyonları” Download GDS Environmental Qualification Tests Training Course Description Documents in PDF Files: Training on MIL-STD-810H, RTCA-DO-160G, MIL-STD-461G, …. Training Program Description: MIL-STD-810H Training Environmental Testing of Military Equipment