Ship Engine Room Simulator (ERS) SERS GDS Engineering R&D IMO STCW 2010, Engine Performance, Main Diesel Engine, Marine, Maritime, IMO Model Course 2.07. Certified by ClassNK. ITU Maritime Faculty. Yıldız Technical University. Competencies. Operation and Management Level. Education and Training. Assessment of Marine Engineers. Troubleshooting with Fault Tree Scnearious and Analysis Reporting. Objective Assessment. Nippon Kaiji Kyokai.High Voltage Training Functions 6600 VAC. Ship Propulsion Systems. Maritime Education and Training. Main Engine Performance. Sunken Diagrams. Energy Efficiency. Marine Engineering. Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters. Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training. SERS Trademark

A Study of the Main Propulsion Engine Performance with Ship’s Draft Change

Purpose: Exercise the weather effect to engine performance using the Ship ERS. Generate a report with capturing the images using SERS GUI panels and tools provided. Note that this exercise is generated as part of the IMO Model Course 2.07 (2017 Edition) exercises. This training exercise was developed as part of the IMO STCW 2010 Management Level objectives using the Model Course 2.07 guidelines ans steps. 

Note: This classroom exercise was provided in this page as an example. Click here to visit the Ship Engine Room Simulator product to read more.

Step 1: ERS is operated in Navigation Mode and Ballast Transfer System is lined up for ballast operations. Draft is Low (i.e. d=9 m.)

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Step 2: ME Processes GUI Panel displays the ME Parameters while the draft is increasing. Check Figure 2 for that the the baseline (sea test) data/graphs are displayed. Being able to understand the ME performance graphs are important in this exercise. 

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Step 3: Ensure the  control of the main engine is set to “RPM”.

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Step 4: Graphs and Plots GUI Panel displays the trend data for the selected parameters. In this exercise, it is important to plot the draft and ME Power. Additionally, it is important to select the ME Power versus ME RPM in the X-Y plot area to see the ME Power change while the RPM is controlled.

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Step 5: Status of the Ballast Tanks and Levels are important to observe.

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Step 6: Students should be able to interpret time (trend) and X-Y graphs for this operation, as part of the MANAGEMENT LEVEL exercise objectives.

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Step 7: Complete the exercise with noting the ME parameter changes.

Effect of Draft Change in the Ship Main Engine Performance Parameters IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO, STCW 2010, Management Level Training Exercices, Marine Engineering Education and Training, Maritime. GDS Engineering R&D, SERS, Trademark

Posted in Engine Performance, Engine Room Simulator (ERS), IMO Model Course 2.07 Exercises, IMO STCW 2010 Training Simulators, Main Engine Performance, Marine Engineering Education and Training (MET), Marine Engines, Maritime Education and Training Products, Maritime Education and Training Simulators, Ship ERS (SERS), Ship Main Engine Performance and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .